Interesante video donde se muestra como se puede producir N2O puro en el laboratorio. Mucho cuidado por que la reacción es exotérmica, además de que el N2O es comburente. Si no se tiene experiencia en el laboratorio, no se os ocurra hacerlo ya que puede ser bastanet peligroso.

La reacción se basa en la siguiente ecuación:
NH3OHCl + NaNO3 ----- N2O + NaCl + H2O

 Algunas notas del autor que podems ver en su canal de Youtube:

 Hi everyone.
 My name is Marius, I'm 21 years old and I study Medicine in Budapest, Hungary.
The videos that I have posted has been made by me, in my basement back in my home country, Norway.
According to statistics (and friends), Chemistry is not the most popular subject in school, and I can see why: it's boring.
Because of this, I decided to make the subject a little interesting by posting some videos of some interesting, educational and cool chemistry. I hope you like it!
My videos are very simple: made with Windows Movie maker and with simple and (hopefully) easy to understand comments.
Due to an increase in workload, I can't promise I'll be able to answer all of your questions. This should not stop you from writing to me, though! =)
Also, questions regarding the acquisition of either chemicals or apparatus will be ignored.

Estas son las indicaciones del video:

The usual way of making Nitrous Oxide is by heating Ammonium Nitrate until decomposition. This reaction is very risky, as there is a danger of an explosion.

In this video, Nitrous Oxide is made using Sodium Nitrite and Hydroxylammonium Chloride, which is a lot safer. The reason why this is not done in industry, is because the chemicals are much more expensive.

La otra reacción que sirve para comprobar si se ha hecho bien. Estas son las indicaciones:

In this video, the classical "Barking Dog" reaction is demonstrated. In this reaction, a vessel is filled with an oxidising gas and a fuel, in this case Nitrous Oxide and Carbon Disulfide.

When ignited, the reactants decompose under strong evolution of heat. This is one of the rare examples of luminescence in the gas phase.

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